Bharat Ek Khoj

Friday, May 21, 2021

Dharma Khsetra Kurukshetra – Part XII - Arjuna's Arsenal

The Battle of Kurukshetra would be incomplete without the mention of Arjuna's or Dhanjaya's arsenal & it's illustration for he prepared for the same over a period of 12 years of their exile & this weapons were first unleashed in the Virat Yudh. The Kaurava's were exposed to the full might of Arjuna's arsenal & was completely outclassed. 

However we have to remember the basic definition between a Astra & a Shastra. While a Shastra is man made from metals & natural resources available on this earth, but a Astra is invoked through mantra's recited by the holder of the weapon on Nadh Bramha & can be initiated from anything which includes a Astra. Here is a look at Arjuna's arsenal & the backbone of which was the Gandiv his divine bow 

·                1. Adityastra


When that darkness was dispelled frightful waves of water appeared. For drying up those waters, Arjuna applied the weapon called Aditya. And in consequence of that weapon, the waters were almost dried up.

Analysis: The effect of this weapon was similar to the Vayavyastra as the Adityastra would counter the waves of water and it would dry it up. This was a field affect weapon.

·                2. Bhaumastra


And by the Bhauma weapon, he created land, and by the Parvatya weapon, he brought mountains into being.

Analysis: Based on the above text this weapon has the ability to materialize and create land, perhaps earthbend or create earthquakes.

·                3. Raudrastra


Thereupon collecting (my energies) in fight, I (bowed down) unto that god of gods, Raudra, and saying, 'May welfare attend on all beings!' I fixed that mighty weapon which, celebrated under the name of Raudra, is the destroyer of all foes. Then I beheld a male person having three heads, nine eyes, three faces, and six arms. And his hair was flaming like fire or the sun. And, O slayer of foes, for his dress, he had mighty serpents, putting out their tongues. And saying, O best of the Bharatas, the dreadful and eternal Raudra, I being free from fear, set it on the Gandiva; and, bowing unto the three-eyed Sarva of immeasurable energy, let go (the weapon), with the object of vanquishing those foremost of the Danavas, O Bharata.

Analysis: 3 Heads, 9 Eyes, 3 Faces & 6 Arms.

·                4. Pashupatastra


Verily, that shaft was the excellent Pashupata that mighty and terrible weapon, which is without a second, indescribable for its power, and capable of striking every creature with fear. Of vast proportions, it seemed to constantly vomit sparks of fire. Possessed of one foot, of large teeth, and a thousand heads and thousand Stomachs, it has a thousand arms, a thousand tongues, and a thousand eyes. Indeed, it seemed to continually vomit fire. O thou of mighty arms, that weapon is superior to the Brahma, the Narayana, the Aindra, the Agneya, and the Varuna weapons. Verily, it is capable of neutralising every other weapon in the universe. It was with that weapon that the illustrious Mahadeva had in days of yore, burnt and consumed in a moment the triple city of the Asuras. With the greatest ease, O Govinda, Mahadeva, using that single arrow, achieved that feat. That weapon, shot by Mahadeva's arms, can, without doubt consume in half the time taken up by a twinkling of the eyes the entire universe with all its mobile and immobile creatures. In the universe there is no being including even Brahma and Vishnu and the deities, that are incapable of being slain by that weapon.

Analysis: 1000 Heads, 1000 Eyes, 1000 Stomachs, 1000 Tongues & 1000 Arms. Arjuna could even kill Brahma and Visnu with this weapon. Using it he is the best. Not much said about shiva here though. Capable of nuetralizing all other weapons including Narayanastra.

Verily, that shaft was the excellent Pasupata that mighty and terrible weapon, which is without a second, indescribable for its power, and capable of striking every creature with fear. Of vast proportions, it seemed to constantly vomit sparks of fire. Possessed of one foot, of large teeth, and a thousand heads and thousand Stomachs, it has a thousand arms, a thousand tongues, and a thousand eyes. Indeed, it seemed to continually vomit fire. O thou of mighty arms, that weapon is superior to the Brahma, the Narayana, the Aindra, the Agneya, and the Varuna weapons. Verily, it is capable of neutralizing every other weapon in the universe.

 ·                5. Antardhana


By the Antardhana weapon all these were made to disappear. Now the beloved one of his preceptor (Arjuna) appeared tall and now short; now he was seen on the yoke of his car, and now on the car itself; and the next moment he was on the ground.

Analysis: It appeared as if this was a magical weapon that could warp reality or cause confusion in people's eyes and the way they viewed Arjuna. Everything Arjuna did before was caused to dissapear due to this weapon.

·                6. Vayavyastra


Hearing those words of his, Dhananjaya with great speed dispelled, by means of the Vayavya weapon, that arrowy downpour shot by his foes. Then the illustrious Vayu (the presiding deity of that mighty weapon) bore away crowds of Samsaptakas with steeds and elephants and cars and weapons, as if these were dry leaves of trees. Borne away by the wind, O king, they looked highly beautiful, like flights of birds, O monarch, flying away from trees.

Analysis: It seems like this was a different level of the weapon and it may have summoned the god Vayu to fight for Arjuna. It had the power to control the wind and air and move people by its will. Throwing opponents away and tossing them. It could make it look like Karna was running. it could also blow away any arrows that are coming towards you.

·                7. Bramhmastra


Thereupon, Partha shot the Brahma weapon and nearly exterminated them all. Hundreds upon hundreds of arms with bows and arrows and bowstrings in grasp, cut off from trunks, and hundreds upon hundreds of standards and steeds and charioteers and car-warriors, fell down on the ground. Huge elephants, well-equipped and resembling foremost hills over-grown with woods or masses of clouds, afflicted with Partha's shafts and deprived of riders, fell down on the earth. Many elephants again, with riders on their backs, crushed by means of Arjuna's shafts, fell down, deprived of life, shorn of the embroidered cloths on their backs, and with their housings torn.

Analysis: The brahmastra was a weapon that would create multiple arrows, due to Arjuna's skill he was able to handle it and aim it correctly at his foes cutting off their body parts. This Brahmastra almost killed all the sampsaptakas (their were lakhs of them alive).

·                8. Bramhashirastra


"People say that thou art a master of the high brahmastra, that mighty means (for achieving the destruction of foes). Do thou then, O Savyasaci, use another weapon of the same kind." Thus addressed by his brother, Savyasachi used a second weapon of the kind. With that, Partha of abundant energy shrouded all the points of the compass, cardinal and subsidiary, with arrows sped from Gandiva that resembled fierce snakes and were like the blazing rays of the sun.

Analysis: Bhima claimed that Arjuna was a master of the Brahmashirastra, and so did many others, and he did defeat Karna many times so he clearly is. Arjuna used Bramhashirastra over here and it just basically poured so many arrows, such a large amount that it clouded the vision of everyone else and covered them. It was similar to a machine gun. It's a weapon of the "same kind". Arjuna basically blotted out the sun.

·                9. Brahmanandastra


Pritha's son Dhananjaya, O child, was acquainted with the weapon called BramhanandastraNeither from wrath, nor for thy destruction in battle, did he shoot this weapon. Arjuna, on the other hand, used it for baffling thy weapon. He has again withdrawn it. Having obtained even the Bramhmastra through thy sire's instructions, the mighty-armed Dhananjaya did not fall off from a kshatriya's duties. Arjuna is possessed of such patience, and such honesty. He is, besides, conversant with every weapon, Why dost thou seek to compass the destruction of such a person with all his brothers? That region where the weapon called brahmashira is baffled by another high weapon suffers a drought for twelve years, for the clouds do not pour a drop of water there for this period.

Analysis: This weapon had the ability to consume the whole world (as stated in Kmg Mahabharata Adi parva Section 142,143). Also the Bramhmashira is a weapon that can be used to baffle another person's weapon.

·                10. Mahendrastra


Then drawing with his two hands and with great force his beautiful bow Gandiva of immeasurable energy, he invoked with proper mantras the highly wonderful and terrible Mahendra weapon and caused it to appear in the welkin. And with that mighty weapon producing profuse showers of arrows endued with the effulgence of the blazing fire, that high-souled and mighty bowman, decked with diadem and garland of gold, checked the entire Kaurava host. And those shafts from Partha's bow, cutting off the arms, bows, standard-tops, and cars, penetrated into the bodies of the kings and of the huge elephants and steeds of the foe.

Analysis: This weapon was like a machine gun that issued out many arrows upon arrows in a very short amount of time. Since it was a weapon of the "king" of gods it killed alot of kings. Notice the quote "And in that awful slaughter of kings, heroic combatants were slain and car-warriors with those that guided their cars." It was like an upgraded version of the Bhargavastra (a weapon that would have millions of arrows come out of it).

·                11. Tvashtrastra


Causing wrinkles to form themselves on his brow, sure indications of wrath, the son of Pandu blew his prodigious conch, called Devadatta, and then he shot the weapon called Tvashtra that is capable of slaying large bodies of foes together. Thereupon, thousands of separate forms started into existence there (of Arjuna himself and of Vasudeva). Confounded by those diverse images after the form of Arjuna, the troops began to strike each other, each regarding the other as Arjuna's self.' 'This is Arjuna!' 'This is Govinda!' 'They are Pandu's son and he is of Yadu's race!' Uttering such exclamations, and deprived of their senses, they slew one another in that battle. Deprived of their senses by that mighty weapon, they slew one another. Indeed, those warriors (while striking one another) looked beautiful like blossoming Kinsukas. Consuming those thousands of arrows shot by them, that (mighty) weapon despatched those heroes to Yama's abode.

Analysis: This weapon was of high quality. it basically made your opponents fight against each other (so it could only be used against a group, more than one person at a time etc).

·                12. Paurandarastra


By the grace of my preceptor I have become accomplished in the Brahma and the Paurandara weapons. I am here to vanquish thee in battle. Therefore, O hero, wait a little.' "Vaisampayana continued, 'Thus addressed (by Arjuna), Karna the adopted son of Radha desisted from the fight, for that mighty chariot-fighter thought that Brahma energy is ever invincible.

Analysis: Karna was so scared hearing the name of this weapon, that he chose to run away from the battlefield.

·                13. Sammohanastra


And warding off with weapons, all the weapons of those bulls among the Kurus, the wielder of the Gandiva who was capable of enduring all foes, evolved another irresistible weapon obtained from Indra, called Sanmohana. And entirely covering the cardinal and other directions with sharp and keen-edged arrows furnished with beautiful feathers, that mighty hero stupefied their senses with the twang of the Gandiva.

Analysis: The myth of this weapon being able to swoon people and make them unconscious does not seem to be true at all. As the text states warriors became unconscious due to the twang of Arjuna's bowstring. the text does state that the Sanmohan-astra is a weapon of feathered arrows though.

·                14. Thunderbolt (Vajrastra)


Hearing those words of his, I then discharged the favourite weapon of the king of the celestials--the dreadful thunderbolt. And inspiring the Gandiva with mantras, I, aiming at the locality of the crags, shot sharpened iron shafts of the touch of the thunder-bolt. And sent by the thunder, those adamantine arrows entered into all those illusions and into the midst of those Nivata-Kavachas. And slaughtered by the vehemence of the thunder, those Danavas resembling cliffs, fell to the earth together in masses.

Analysis: Using this weapon Arjuna was able to kill the Nivata-kavachas (deadly demons that not even Karna's father Surya could defeat).

Sri Krishna even says that "among weapons i am Vajra"

Quote:Among weapons I am the thunderbolt, among cows I am (she called) Kamadhenu.

·                15. Varunastra


The fire of that weapon consumed them not, in consequence of their having laid aside their weapons, as also in consequence of the force of the Varuna weapon, and owing also to the energy possessed by themselves.

Analysis: This weapon was shot by Arjuna to protect his brother Bhima from the Narayanastra (shot by Aswathama).

·                16. Agneyastra


This fiery weapon (that I shall hurl at thee), Vrihaspati the revered preceptor of Indra, gave unto Bharadwaja, from whom it was obtained by Agnivesya, and from Agnivesya by my preceptor, that foremost of Brahmanas, Drona, who gave it away to me.' Saying these words, the Pandava wrathfully hurled at the Gandharva that blazing weapon made of fire which burnt the Gandharva's chariot in a trice. Deprived of consciousness by the force of that weapon, the mighty Gandharva was falling, head downward, from his chariot.

Analysis: This is the Agneya weapon. it has the ability to create fire once it is launched. Thanks to this weapon Arjuna swooned the gandharva and destroyed his chariot.

·                17. Parvatyastra


And by the Bhauma weapon, he created land, and by the Parvatya weapon, he brought mountains into being.

Analysis: Thanks to the Parvat astra he could raise mountains out of thin air.

·                18. Parjanyastra


By the Agneya weapon, he created fire, and by the Varuna weapon he created water, by the Vayavya weapon, he created air, and by the Parjanya weapon he created clouds.

Analysis: This weapon was used to create clouds.

·                19. Aindrastra


Beholding the Bramhmastra, Arjuna invoked the Aindra weapon with proper mantras. Inspiring gandiva, its string, and his shafts also, with mantras, that scorcher of foes poured showers like Purandara pouring rain in torrents. Those arrows endued with great energy and power, issuing out of Partha's car, were seen to be displayed in the vicinity of Karna's vehicle.

Analysis: Perhaps the aindra weapon was a weak one as what to speak of Arjuna? Even warriors like karna have countered this weapon. What happened to karna's brahmastra is not stated.

·                20. Indrastra


Beholding that shower of arrows spread over the welkin through the Aindra weapon, Partha, endued with great activity, O king, taking up his bow gandiva, and fixing on his bowstring a mighty weapon created by Indradestroyed that aindra-shower of arrows. Having baffled that arrowy shower caused by the Aindra weapon, Partha soon covered the car of Drona's son (with his own arrows).

Analysis: thanks to this weapon Arjuna succeeded in countering and baffling the Aindrastra of Aswathama.

·                23. Jyotishkastra


The latter, however, by means of the weapons called Jyotishkadispelled that thick and awful darkness.


From it's description it was perhaps a counter weapon used to create light or get rid of darkness. Surprising that Arjuna did not ever use this on the fourteenth night.

·                24. Yama's mace


O accept this weapon of mine--the mace I wield incapable of being baffled by any body. With this weapon thou wilt achieve great deeds.'" Vaisampayana continued, "O Janamejaya, the son of Pritha then received from Yama that weapon duly, along with the Mantras and rite, and the mysteries of hurling and withdrawing it.

Analysis: Yama (the god of death) was also a teacher of Arjuna. And he taught him well. He would have destroyed anyone using the mace of death that he just earned. Maybe it was intended to be thrown though not used to hammer at your enemy.

·                25. Vaishnavastra

Quote ( Mahabharata):

The weapons appertaining to Agni, Varuna, Soma, Vayu, and Vishnu, as also those appertaining to Indra, Pasupati, and Paramesthi, and those of Prajapati, Dhatri, Tashtri, Savitri, and Vivaswat, all these are known to Dhananjaya alone in this world of men!

Quote (Bori Critical Edition):

‘“Shantanu’s son glanced at him and said, ‘O king! Transcend your anger and listen to my words. O Duryodhana! You have seen how the intelligent Partha created a stream of water that is cool and bears the fragrance of amrita. There is no one else in this world capable of accomplishing this feat. Agneya, Varuna, Soumya, Vayavya, Vaishnava, Aindra, Pashupata, Brahma, Parameshtha, Prajapatya, Dhatu, Tvashtu, Savitu470 and all the other divine weapons—among all the men on earth, Dhananjaya alone is the one who knows them. So does Krishna, Devaki’s son. But no one else knows them. O son! , Savitu 471 It is impossible to vanquish Pandava in battle.

Analysis: Whether Arjuna learned this weapon from Shri Krishna or went to Devaloka and met Vishnu and learned it from him (no one really knows currently) but the fact remains that he had this weapon with him in his arsenal/quivers. He had all the weapons of Vishnu including the Sudarsana Chakra.




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